OK so I was thinking about this at school, and decided to come up with a list of friends/people I know that are on Newgrounds.
Some of them may not actually be my friends but when I see their username I know exactly who it is when I hear their name.
1. Coure irl friend
2. ItsBroken2 great guy to talk to
3. gmanthesandwhichking
4. FurryFox
5. Gagsy
6. Jon4Life
7. CapnCrunchDaPimp (probably has no idea who I am)
8. Sunglasses (Cus he's cool :3)
9. Kitala
10. HeavyMetalGuy<-- awesome user
11. Kidd25
12. HighWayStar365
13. GoryBlizzard
14. Zachdamacman
Why am I so awesome? I never really do anything to be honest.
Yea but your cool.